online RETREAT - online 66-day meditation

66 days of online meditation


FLOW OF INNER SILENCE - 66 days of online meditation


Meditation as downloadable version, incl. meditation book as pdf, 3 x FLOW OF INNER SILENCE Succsess per Zoom live

Building on the 21-Day Meditation FLOW OF WISDOMin which the 7 stages of the principle of the same name FLOW OF WISDOM - The principle of spiritual transformation has been illuminated, we follow the wisdom of the Vedic scriptures and the sutras of Patanjali as well as the eight-limbed path of this yoga wisdom teaching:

1. Yamas - dealing with the environment
2Niyamas - Dealing with yourself
3. Asanas - dealing with the body
4. Pranayama - dealing with the breath
5. Pratyahara - Dealing with the senses
6 - 8 Samyama - dealing with the mind
6. Dharana - Concentration
7. Dhyana - Meditation
8. Samadhi - the highest: inner freedom

Allow yourself to immerse yourself in a world of basic trust and your own healing. The power of your inner resonance offers you foresight into a time permeated by confidence, love & peace, the significance of which you mindfully give every second of your life.  

For all those who want to go deep inside themselves and give repetition the space it needs for lasting change.

FLOW OF INNER SILENCE Succsess - online Zoom:


Price: 300,00 € plus VAT (payment in instalments possible)

Cancellation conditions: none 

Application deadline:

online RETREAT - online 66-day meditation

66 days of online meditation


FLOW OF INNER SILENCE - 66 days of online meditation


Meditation as downloadable version, incl. meditation book as pdf, 3 x FLOW OF INNER SILENCE Succsess per Zoom live

Building on the 21-Day Meditation FLOW OF WISDOMin which the 7 stages of the principle of the same name FLOW OF WISDOM - The principle of spiritual transformation has been illuminated, we follow the wisdom of the Vedic scriptures and the sutras of Patanjali as well as the eight-limbed path of this yoga wisdom teaching:

1. Yamas - dealing with the environment
2Niyamas - Dealing with yourself
3. Asanas - dealing with the body
4. Pranayama - dealing with the breath
5. Pratyahara - Dealing with the senses
6 - 8 Samyama - dealing with the mind
6. Dharana - Concentration
7. Dhyana - Meditation
8. Samadhi - the highest: inner freedom

Allow yourself to immerse yourself in a world of basic trust and your own healing. The power of your inner resonance offers you foresight into a time permeated by confidence, love & peace, the significance of which you mindfully give every second of your life.  

For all those who want to go deep inside themselves and give repetition the space it needs for lasting change.

FLOW OF INNER SILENCE Succsess - online Zoom:


Price: 300,00 € plus VAT (payment in instalments possible)

Cancellation conditions: none 

Application deadline:
