Words are like the sound of the wind: if it blows stronger, this world becomes impenetrable.

Thoughts, removed from spoken language, dwell in the intuitive feeling, far from the understanding mind.


The truthful being is always on the trail of the self-lie. A reminder of what you could be if you knew 'who you are' ... 

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Personal inspiring food for thought in the first conversation on the way to / to your truth. 

Darkness shines through light

Every ray, whose depth hits the abyss of the ground, touches the agitated event. The experience of meaning divides things, the contradiction of the experience of recognising form.

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Conversion limited on both sides

Every wooing of the announced dance turns happiness around its own axis. That articulation is incumbent on the curved coil of sound, that manoeuvrability is the precaution of evasion. Endeavouring to be

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The language world experience

Every expression, the enriching event of one's own lent, captivates the appreciative sense of the other. The diversity of words glorifies the echoing sound in the echo of the world. Seductive veil

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Contemplation of the desensitisation

Every loss of the knower, whose wealth is subject to the accumulated erudition of the prewritten, passing through the purgatory of all that glows, displacing the pain of the feet. The intuitive rhyme is ashened

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The dignity of becoming being

Every assumption is subject to error. Supported by the core of experience, the moulding of opinion into the image of the existent takes place. The repetition of experience shows

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The gold of silence

Any anticipatory trust is subject to the precaution of reliability. Knowledge's fear embellishes wisdom's message in the realisation of caution. That taking, the courage of the self

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The meaning of life dying

Every scaling of the heights pays tribute to necessity. The depths of the polarities abyss stirs, both of being unity. The gliding of flights rebukes the delusion of the performing mass

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Realising the confusion

Every insight, the view's illusion in concealment, beautifies the expanse of the gaze. The deed of the deed accomplishes the beauty of the chosen gaze, daring all blindness power. Ignorance

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Closeness to the expanse

Any distance, whose reachability falls within the reach, forms the necessity of dependence. Far from the free bond of connectedness, the search for the other person imagines itself in the

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The way of love

That branch, subjected to the attraction of events, joyfully follows the gift. The mutual empowerment of attachment praises the exuberance of lust in the common. Inclines the field's shell

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Obedience displeasure confusion

Every gain, removed from tangible proximity, shuns the act of maturity. The incapacitation of action praises the foreign passion, measured in insulted faith. Parable of debilitation consecrates

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The hairiness muse

Every few, favoured by the world's pain of change, move between roles of timelessness in the retreat of palpable consternation, revealing their own actions without understanding. Deliberately granting all that is given, pauses

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Incapacitated attitude distance

Every referred thing, whose evidence fertilises the soil, praises the fertilising goodness of its seed. Created things supported in their emergence, thriving things command the growth condition of beauty. Those

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The power of humility

Each escape, the succumbing strength paid, truth of the escaped customer. The cliff's course in steadfastness endeavours delusion forms the direction of maturation. Respectful fulfilment leads

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The fury of arrogance

Each favour's instruction balances the giving with the receiving. Justice's peculiarity is the customer's dish, unfavourableness's aftermath causes a stir. Faith's manifestation of desire

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Acceptance of arrival

Every received thing imagines itself a customer of experience. Formative appearance rejoices with the comparison of events in my own confrontation. The expression of the melancholy of forgetting seems to be affected, permeates

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The fugitive double standard

Every driven person, who unhinges the world with enquiring insight, forms the endurance of the purpose in the course of time of the expected. Satisfaction pours forth the joy of power

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Classification foreign Seen

Every event, the conditionality of conformity, moulds the mature conscience. Restraining his own word, the wise course boasts in the sound of the strangely determined. The tones

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The authenticity way

Every action is based on letting. The power of touch is responsible for enriching the other, for satisfying need. That impertinence that is opposed to the having of the wanting,

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The teaching of sound

The sound teaches everything that remains closed, unopened. The experience of the wise opening of that which reveals the independence of the path. That love, following the instruction, closeness

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The unfolding of unconditionality

Any narrowness, whose satisfaction lies in the given, shuns the wide round. The broken wing's centre, from the beginning of time, sweeps the paths of error. Believes himself

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The multiplicity of words

Any impoverishment entails spiritual caution. The will to sound adorns the power to show. That desire to be received embellishes the picture's writing, skilfully

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The happiness recommendation

Every word of the state description is subject. Insight's pleasingness invokes the experienced, inferior to understanding. That which is technical, methodically embedded in endeavour, boasts the essence of the trick.

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The lostness of faith

Subject to every act of malice, the image of love is deceptive. Dangerousness's madness leaves behind that retreat whose turning away from everything follows. The power of judgement over

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The miracle of lost souls

Every voice interwoven in the sound of the world. The invisibility of illusiveness, having become a renegade of its own language, imagines itself in the alien care of stolen joy. Sounds of loneliness pay tribute

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The illusory world of what remains

All seeing is based on the senses of touch, experiencing the formality of objects. The touch perception of the state, whose durability is constantly explored. Every realisation

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The power of faith disempowered

Every word touches the prefabricated effect of what has been learnt, the expression of little as subject. The multiplicity of what is said stands in the way of what is written, shifts the importance.

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Lost possessions

Every experience is subject to a will, the renunciation of everything old defied, whose word fell in excess. Oppression is confronted with plausibility and rebellion, every opinion is divided.

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Explanation Worlds Will

Every experience moulds the world's image. The proposal's hope flows into the endeavour's rightness, whose hearing is open. Imagines the hour of turning away from

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Essence Uncertainty Path

Any shyness, the way of walking, indulged in bumpiness. Far from planning solutions, everything that controls the pace of life feels like it's in control. The equanimity of the game is gone,

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Zeitgeist of sensibility

Every judgement of action is subject to an entity. The operation of the forms' externality gives meaning to the other. That which elevates, realises the foreign greatness of the self, embellishes the ingredient

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The sound of boredom

Every act of change is subject to development. The quicker higher of fallacy subjugates lies, putting words above ALL. That dissolution of the past hour in contemplation haste

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Violation of inviolability

Each abandonment of a call follows, whose senses resist stubbornly. The attempt's stance is subject to the stance's own power. That belief in the affiliation of connectedness

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Defying the madness

The beholder whose hand moves the rapture forms the end of the action. The courageous hour of power's expression confesses the sufficiency of attitude. Imagines the

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The Courage Solution Unchange

Any still standing of the movement calculation imagines hidden. Stealthily awaiting the invisibility of things, the word rhymes with the strange sound of the instructor. That changing image,

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The pursuit of wisdom

Each new world, the endeavour of the great mighty, soothes all the small. Weaving the web spider around the calculus time, the world break ahead. The holes

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Parable imagines equality

Any questionability lies in the comparative. The binding of polarities goes hand in hand with the power of the page, the lost wholeness of the gaze. If what is experienced is formed in the detail of seeing

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Operating element conflict

Every stitch of multiplicity faces an unfree promise. The assumption of faith refers to the old, whose aloofness from the new is misjudged. Believes itself

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The stock emptiness

Every having is subject to the steadiness of the pacifying will, to the play of the many of immensity. The visually experiencing imagines itself to be a sequence of possessions. Every doing

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The lowliness of consciousness

Every traversed thing, whose old is subject to the former proof, forms the power of the circles. Observed from a distant point of view, the manufacture believes itself to be right for

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Happenings Happenings

Every aggravation and termination testifies to the unbearable heaviness of being on all levels. The calculation dwells in momentary memory without the dispelling thought, in constant

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The rule book

Every feast, whose slyness is subject to temporal justification, formed in an ancient hour, proves itself to be enduring. In transparent frugality, the completed act boasts of the foreign

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The sensitivity of freedom

Every endeavour is subject to the one course of light-heartedness. Life's colours paint the senses of experience for that which is unattainably created, whose gaze does not reach the eye.

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The confirmation love fallacy

Every attainment is subject to the unrecognising gaze, whose belonging is an enchanted one. Visibility's intolerance boasts of the insulting hour. The deed of the deed walking the

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The loss of completeness

Every being of literalness imagines the distance in taking the full. The measure of alignment is based on naming, understanding and fathoming. That colourfulness of the

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Message embellishes hope

Each empowered one, whose space is scolded for being forbidden, boasts of silent power. The string of the path shows the way in small steps, unawares. That which is able

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The discovery of insufficiency

Every urge to conquer the unseen constantly drives the power of the senses. Unquenchable sounds of the call, whose reason is hidden in the vastness of what was once commanded to be reached

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The calculation of blunting

Every pondering is subject to a darkness, aware of the corners' twists and turns. When the voice of distraction forms a sound in the essence of ignorance, the image of

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Able to announce

Following every endeavour to a goal, the Master's favour forms itself over the creative event. Far from the rushing sounds of other hands, the spirit's power blows through

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Preserving diversity Vitality

That greyness, whose shimmer of colour fades in the richness of the ordinary, is found in its gradation of shimmer. The lustre of lustre is the customer of colour, prescribed in the

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The seeker's opinion

That which is embellished, whose twisting is carried through the unfolding, glorifies the hour of pain. That narrating images all encouragement calls, the wish's ear commands. Purified that

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The maturity of forgetfulness

Every consideration relativity shows its introduction type. The assertion burden of proof circulates in reverse postulated as a proving assertion. The one whose confusion dwells in the believing disbelief of what is seen,

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The fragility of other searches

Every being is subject to showing itself, seen in the heart of the other. Colourful images, the lonely boast in the shadow of themselves, following the sideways

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The false name cover

Every smile, whose tangibility fuels amusement at the other's being, is the deceptive hour. The richness of knowledge removes the mirror's gaze. The endeavour

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The parable of uniqueness

Every difference in the evolved being's goodness indulges in the nimble richness. Subjected to the beauty of life, turned towards the uniqueness of the self, loses itself in the gaze

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The background to over-seeing

Every digging limb's power adorns itself far from wisdom, gaining all glory. Courage's reliability escapes in the chamber of the taken throne, whose faith is its own

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The lustful rogue

The seriousness of age is caught in the right, the opinion unclouded. All knowledge makes use of the experienced, inferior to the treasure of richness. Surpasses the left of the

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Preservation of the self Own

Every shudder of man's chamber lies in the machinations of his hand. When the hour of truth draws near, the mind of the unintelligent flees. That penetration of the essential exhausts

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The invisible essence of the heart

Any search for attention is subject to addiction. The realm of resonance embellishes one's own image, the endeavour of poverty in the wealth of illusion. Renegade seems the one who

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Becoming will

Every face that is constantly changing, shown in form behind formlessness. Its original, in this & that experience, silent and unchanging. Those masks of the bendable,

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Passion presses wisdom

All desire is dispelled in the attainment of the goal. That hand whose reach is subject to the necessity of all solutions, is proud of the other's ability. If the

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Waiting naked life

Every discord is subject to a deed whose idea is far from the outcome. When the hour of the pretence arrives, joy follows sorrow and sorrow follows joy in

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True Self Faith Life

Any notion of a false self separates itself from its counterpart as only one existing side of a whole. The interpenetration of all levels unites the inner and outer

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Echoing word written

Every tangible thing finds itself at hand. That which can be grasped, whose tangibility is subject to the tangible, is unleashed in the grasped. All that is inconspicuous is next to the grasping, bound in the little

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The right law

Every opinion is one, the use of which gives rise to judgement on one side or the other. The image of resistance pays tribute to unwilling subordination. Everyone's acceptance in all

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Consuming time begotten

All time consumes itself in the passing, heedless of the other. The taste of transience imagines itself in the symmetry of adaptation to everything that passes. The forgotten

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Depth of NOTHING

That turning away, the charm of which is worthy of any formative being of one's own gaze, imagines itself to be at peace. Following the deep gaze beautifies this world of splendour

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A word forced upon the language

Each thanks gladly thought, scolded by foreign mouths. If the voice of an uprising is heard, the defence against it is formed in the course of the trial. Thinking

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Filled nothingness

Every act of doing is subject to the thinking that precedes it. If the vision of experience boasts itself in the addiction of life, that planning is integrated into the action which

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Disempowering voice cry

That call of ambush, the volume of which can only be heard softly, gives birth to itself. The drop of hope seemed exhausted in the face of the strange

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Materiality splinters the mind

That confusion, won in the power of foreign sources, springs from the sentient being. Faith clings to hope, the smith of happiness in duration honoured. Prides itself

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Respect avoids self-evidence

Every attitude is moulded by the educated word. When the old voice's urge is moulded into a tone of supremacy, the being's lowliness presses into conformity

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Depth revealed in more detail

That vision, whose senses are included in the eleven, imagines perception to be vast. If the narrowness fits into what appears to be a field, the space of the game

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Silence empties the senses

Deprived of any presumption of courage, whose reference is to the provable. If life's maturity is thought to lie in grasping the unknown, certainty loses all acceptance. The necessities

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Path far away Decision

That pretence, the acceptance of which is happiness, imagines itself in the rejection of unhappiness. Life's divorce is an end, since the beginning of unconcealment. The congeniality of the voice

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Silence displaces sound

Every purification, adapted to the ordered environment, forms man's contentment. That imposed happiness of dependence pays tribute to possessions, far from the audible call. The voice's favourableness falls silent

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Confusion of confusion Reality

That whirlpool, whose maxims path in the torus of breadth reaches climax, pays tribute to the movement downward. Everything assumed in the course of time is subject to the sea, the current against strong

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Reservation of vanity

Every experience, whose shyness only allows for parts, takes place in a shared quantity. Any knowledge, whose diversity encompasses everything, expands the legacy of action. If the

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Explanation limited nature

Every reflection of the gaze dwells outside the realisation of glory. Recognition demands the pull of all whose word serves understanding. Ignoring everything, mind imagines

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Mask believes ability

That which is perceived, subjected to self-chosen seriousness, forms the expression of the mind. Every concealment blends into life's deed, the action unadorned. Tears the rational heart,

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Form adds pain

Every attachment, whose unruliness is interwoven with heaviness, adds instruction to the forces on the path of renunciation. Keep the willing in the submissive much of the little unseen. That respect space

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Resistance begets life

Every being is subject to the must, interwoven with the leading concern. Given importance to the conditions, that act of experience, the fulfilment of which is the sight of happiness, imagines itself. Demanded,

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Words are like the sound of the wind: if it blows stronger, this world becomes impenetrable. Thoughts, deprived of spoken language, dwell in the intuitively feeling, far from the

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Adaptable Secret Shyness

Any conduciveness seeks closeness in the other. Independence of the defence of the world is incumbent on the turn. Recommending the act of foreign thinking seems useful, realisation of understanding in the

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The conditions of justice

Every defence of what is revealed is subject to lasting opinion. The will's measure of action sound. That hopeful glimmer lit far away, constantly blazing for the happiness that follows

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Spirit breaks mind

Every reality shows the appearance of the reason effect. The defence of the self, the action of the self, adds to the image of the adherent. Every action causally points the way, unchanged of the causal

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Authenticity of the customisation

Every must is subject to the precept of what has been learnt, often far removed from vision. The intuitive, whose vitality is the primordial cause of action, imagines itself to be mature in life.

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Turning away from the dark

Everything, lifted into this world as different, seems to renounce joy. Imagines a quiet hour, reveals the word gloom the apparent heaviness in

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Offered to the NOTHING

The action of driving away the long-dwelling one is integrated into the thinking of the receiving. Without ceasing the accomplished of the answer view of the remission

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The forces of invisibility

Everyone must use the power of others, bent in the imagination of the other. The field to be served is subject to predetermined security, shying away from unimaginability.

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The perception of opacity

Dutiful to the renunciation in the nourished, hidden power unrevealed, the maturing is joined in the often suppressed sound. That being, whose word's call has that tone of coherence

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NOTHING gives birth to attitude

The open receiving of a giving taking as well as a taking giving takes place in equal measure. Far removed from the praising, the devaluing character, the better and the better extends itself.

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The naked truth being

That renegacy of the ego, disguised in the cloak of life, is subject to constant change. No one's events lead without the mask-like gaze through the thicket of the operating

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Fallen favour

That space, abandoned in reminiscent transience, rebukes the hour of time. The gaze's steadfastness shames the lost thoughts of those impotent proofs, subject to actions. The questions

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The silence of expression

Every gift is found in the touch of mediocrity, honoured by the exchange of giving and taking. If the hour of agreement boasts, the mind imagines

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The words postulate

Every disposition imagines the voice of emptiness, filled in the viewer's gaze. The echo of words resounds, as if there is an echo of the other to carry the

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Freedom of the mind

Freedom is striven for and felt for the sake of the event and seemingly less for the sake of the state, but what if the fine sense of difference is a lack of freedom?

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Retired & suddenly dead

This change of a predicted new era seems to be a hot topic, chewed up on everyone's lips. Courage, subject to an increase, demands powers of sight

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The modesty of unity

Only that happiness manifests itself in the goodness of the fleeting moment, the expectation of which springs from nothing. If simplicity believes itself to be the virtue of the hour, this leads to

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Indictment of reality

The hour of untruth is far from the desire to see what is. Everything lies at the feet of the eye and yet is unrecognised. Far from the path

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Granting equality

The powers of attack show the size of any outside. The mass structure underlies that ignorance, in learnt known happening form. That dream whose life endures all permanence,

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Burden of proof removed

Every experience is subject to the steadfastness of the action, fully subjected to its application. The right call outside the own way, adapting to the directional step. The

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The number safety flag

That giving, which is subject to the test of taking, errs in the belief of what is right. Following the searching call, past the fulfilment of others, close to the self. Every

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Playing ignorant to the masses

Any pretence of knowing better stirs up the reputation of wisdom. Considered in completeness of the orbits deprived of meaningfulness, whose advantage is the opinion of having. Any lack

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Flattening the soul of poverty

Any devotion in the touching field of melancholy beautifies the neighbour's light. If the flame ignites its distant fidelity, the call's word imagines itself safe,

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Crazy picture Norm

Imagines the humanity of the image of another happening in the busy bustle, adds richness to the incomprehension of what is to be attained. Permission becomes sufficient, the scope of knowledge

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Peace in the process of dying

That clarity, shown in the hour of birth, imagines the path of life. Everything seen is subject to the past, unchanging the sentient experience. The contemplation memory of the

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Losing faith vitality

That which is dying, whose living is long dead, waits for the uplifting meaning. The expression of congeniality is subject to the longing for fulfilment. Folly's magic little one

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The violation of loveliness

That mention, whose occurrence triggers the pain, is clarified in the contemplation view. If the act is rebuked by the defence against, the cycle finds

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The truth of pain true pain

That cloudy mirror falls in the face of the beholder. Shying away from the depths of vision, only that section of the face whose beauty conceals all that is unattractive. The

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The futility of sense

That understanding of the world, whose change is opposed to containment, adds the little to the much. The space that does not understand itself imagines the incomprehensibility of the increase. The fullness of logic word

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Being near (rr)

That mixing One in fugue right undermines the lurker of blindness. In the effect of the cheerfulness of thought, moderation softens the heart, adds eloquence to the

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The ruin of saving the world

That abundance of order calls worlds, whose every claim serves fulfilment. The little puts the more to shame, the more abundance adds meaning. Anger's call the folds

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Turning away from Anders

Contrary to all docility, the different gives itself to the same. Every thought of better or worse joins the other's being, the self-speciality in the illusion

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Deceived knowledge breaks

The will's mass endeavours that ability whose accumulation of facts touches the immeasurable. Gift of multiplicity in the developing of the turning away seems greatness. That legacy, break of the

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Stranger shames loneliness

The boldness of the ego confronts kindness with hatred. Every compulsion of procreation Lust of the way should desire visibility. Becoming for the sake of showing adds that look

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Level of the bottomless pit

Every beauty is subject to a resentment whose boundaries undermine the longing for satisfaction. If the other believes itself to be the other, all solidity gives way to softness, polar

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Fallen away from the faith

Every understanding is aware of an understanding, subject to its own vastness, whose experiences form the entirety of the gaze. Believes itself to be a judgemental image in the action, empowered

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Who would you be if you knew who you were?

𝐒𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞 𝐃𝐮 𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐬𝐭, 𝐰𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐃𝐮 𝐞𝐬 𝐧𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐭 𝐛𝐞𝐤𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧. 𝐄𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐠𝐞 𝐔𝐧𝐳𝐮𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐭 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐨𝐥𝐠𝐭 𝐃𝐢𝐜𝐡, 𝐢𝐧 𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐁𝐞𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐃𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐆𝐢𝐞𝐫, 𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐛𝐬𝐭, 𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐧 𝐃𝐮 𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐦 𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬𝐚𝐠𝐬𝐭

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Reunion in a noisy world

Excerpt from: 'SEEING AGAIN IN A LOUD WORLD - The finiteness of eternity' Next door were the people. They were celebrating, loudly, atmospherically, praising themselves and him. A

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The truth expression lie

Blurred image of the other world adds part after part of disgust. That defence, nourished by the confession of guilt, always seeks the leading being. Any knowledge

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Far from the target vision

Those places where words touch each other offer sound to the inclination. A to and fro of the inclined beautifies curiosity's own way. Empty those

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Anders adds transformation

The distant gaze imagines the doing while in the strange world. Word after word of procreative truth leads to the unloved. That which is unseen, hidden in the eternal

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Effort of the mind Emptiness

That while whose length outlasts time follows the synchronisation of itself. Every nourishing thing, on the trail of the new, sinks into the hope of becoming.

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Comprehensibility Conversion points

Every thought of the thought track shows how the thought track shows a thought. One track. The turning away from essentiality is followed by question after answer, in busy being

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Losing moment of contemplation

If this world always believes itself to be a world of touching encounters, of exchanging words, of doing instructions, of making love, the attitude of the being experiences itself as that of a stranger

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Desire breaks lance

For the reason of life's course expresses the aged times. Sufficient faith of deeds forged, lost guilty of the contrary working. Goes the patiently waiting course

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The inconsistency of favour

Disposing piety of the contradiction game in the field of the moving tamed. Those needy image of the empowerment of the seen is incumbent, the bearer's litter dependence. Weighed in the

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The alienation of entertainment

The power of the senses restricts the receptive, whose direction is in line with the familiar. The frame's failure of every groan testifies, whose newness of spirit's lightning testifies. The

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The Creator's sacrifice in the granting

That emergence, whose emergence finds mention of what has been experienced, pays tribute to the incalculable power. Touched by the being's faith strives for the moment's expanse in the fervent seeing. Allowing

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Untrainable consciousness grasps abundance

The essence of knowledge conception grasps, excitement pore-deep. Every understanding of the unstoppable is subject to the mature view of the path. That horizon, of the turning unknown traversed, touches the gaze

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Collaterals of abuse

The action's providence touches the senses, whose experience of extinction adds memory. Joyfulness interweaves that one-sidedness, whose pleasure quenches everyone. Gripping the possession happiness of life

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Memory sale adorns faith

Life's truth leads forgotten knowledge to the end of its grasp. The course of things seems one-way, the paths lie far in the future. Lost of all

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Echo of the voice word

When asked what is demanded, the misunderstood of the word finds resonance in the little seen. That unconditional comprehensibility is the basis of any simplicity, which is hardly an ingredient. Embellished

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The path waits in SEIN looking away

Defined word images, synonyms, histories, suggestive explanations, transferring moving images, unscripted writing, filled prodigies, preserved connections, touching exchanges, ... A crowded world trumps everywhere & on all sides with

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clear end

The spirit's lightning of the word's power is subject, the offer's will in constant satisfaction. If he were to imagine himself far removed from himself in remembrance, the

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BIOGRAPHY OF LIFE - Leaving a trace Falling into the depths. That language of the deaf let them be heard in the voices of the mute.

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Creation darkens power

That first hurtfulness underlies a greed of having and being, whose ceaselessness of boundaries is incalculable. The foreign good lustfully intertwined in the game of life,

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Indifference to boredom

The action in the endeavour of the creator completes the circles of life's work. The next follows in the wake of the one, caught in the maelstrom of the attaining goal. Interwoven

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Being alone adorns being alone

The spark's providence is revealed in the dark. That glow unrecognised in the light, it blocks the view of all that surrounds it. That place, the concession of which is freely

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The times donation turnaround

That illuminated corner of creativity adorns the good deed, the benefit of which boasts of being shown. With the power of thought, the old takes on a new guise, trumping the opposite

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Wish the lies comfort

Accepting the happenings of being, settled in all that is. When the edge of dreams crumbles on the wall of the unhappened, the courage of hope vanishes. Every action to the

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The image's intrinsic value

That structure which carries the destructive within itself submits to the disintegration of the rest. Everything impossible as energy prevails, incomprehensible in its entirety. The exploration

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Forgotten reality repressed

If the being's memory is embedded in the events of the past, it fuels the change in what has not happened. Completed in the old being follows the doing of that

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Addiction to spiritual infestation

That which is distorted, whose origin was in the poverty of the way, is forfeited in that which is commanded by error. Deprived of the habitual sense of understanding clarification, accomplished in the dead

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Fear of silence

This world is afraid of SILENCE - SILENCE IN A LOUD WORLD The peace that everyone wishes for on the outside seems to be fading away because of inner war.

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Enchanted visibility disfigured

Sufficiency of the gaze gives way to an abundance whose impulsiveness is inadequate to the sea of abundance. That connection conjured up in the image of the other, betraying all that is one's own. Woven in

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Abundance of acceptance

That which is recorded is removed from visibility, whose audacity elevates itself. Hidden treasure an essentiality of distant space dwells, knowing the unravelled meaning. The permanence of maturity

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Loss of reality

The timelessness of that which surrounds the event resembles a circumambulation, lost in the vastness of the mind. That timelessness, whose sequence springs from itself, gives birth to the following action. Empowerment

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Against basic trust Time

In life's haste of words a sorrow touches. That which moves, leaving behind the horizon of the ray in this world, seizes all the sound of expression in its

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Escorting the Entwortung

The midwifing fullness extends these worlds, incapacitated of thought. Every thought floats timelessly through the blackness of the boxes in the spinning sex, removed from the end. Interpenetration Filling

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Disinterest in being

That dispersion whose countermovement is a movement away from the concentrating, seen in the turmoil of the foreign self. A larger opening section of the path pays tribute to an incomprehensibility whose

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Ignorance grips lives

Touch touches what has been learnt. The questioner, whose answers mature timelessly against the imprints, is born close to trust. The abundance of uncertainties the reasons

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The questions Answer Nothing

The cloak falls in the search for words of favour. Those languages whose faith is stronger than the silence of nearness, whose works remain in the past like

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Awareness without authenticity

Broken understanding touches any imagined inadequacy on that surface whose fearful behaviour runs a path of distance. That state, close to the distance, seeks only the

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Blind perfection

Every longing, driven by the wild restlessness, finds its hope in the overflow of its steadiness. The eternal search for the attainment of creation, sensing the distractions

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The power game's way

It lands in the distance near, the end in the becoming being. Fuelling anger in the heart of longing, driven in the path of flight.

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Immortality of the heart

The loving heart is immortal. Healing remains closed to itself for that fear whose prohibition is opposed to love. The depth of the reason dwells in fire, whose

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Anger fades into fear

The escape route fuels the behaviour whose fire fuels the embers. The providence of things over the defiance of emotions for the sake of success, persisting in the old,

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Filling the polar centre

That equilibrium, which seems to take a little effort to achieve, is already present in all its steadiness. That crazy nature can be found in man's discovery,

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Undetectable truth

The sound of answers is the distance of realities. Those questions asked include any direction whose sides ensnare the vastness of duality. Guilt and truth face each other

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First conversation

Imagine: Fear & anger would be tangible, as would your self-lies. Then you could hold on to them, but also let them go, like a dandelion whose umbrellas blow away,

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Parable of erudition

That doing, which makes it difficult to leave, asks for the meaning of the answer. Hidden in incomprehensibility, every question finds itself running in repetition, without the courage of the cycle

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Essence of nothingness

The one whose questioning of meaning is subject to insufficiency finds its statement in uselessness. Subjected to insignificance, the closeness of understanding is found in distance

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The senses fade

That vision, opened by the other's view, deceives the same appearance in the limited view. The expansive joy of what is possible cuts off the senses' understanding in the

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Desire for personality

The importance of my opinion lets those words tell whose interpretation is most understandable. Every explanation leads its way to be found by the constant tangibility of things.

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Normality of the different

The extent of the currency is subject to the expression of that order whose contrariness grips the closed. That resistance openness essentially shows that attitude arises far from the usual.

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Anomaly of bound love

That uninvited guest in the cloak of love shows up uninvited, like a thief with a warm embrace. Worth being given, people penetrate this

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Hope removed moment

Finding is insufficient in the realm of all time. The will's boundary boastingly abuts the tomorrow of yesterday, unattained by the willing. Lost in the moment's happening

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To be so far to get somewhere

Monetarily driven life or touchingly flowing existence? The miracle of working past money. In this world, transformation and touch always seem to depend on money:

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A glow of woe

When the series of becoming joins the depths of the earth, the power seems to take a turn of being. Those circles in the world

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Fulfilled in the call of loss

Like the significance of the lost of an event, the gift of which is more the giving than the receiving. The trace of pain leaves behind those signs which the

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𝐄𝐔𝐑𝐎𝐏Ä𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐇𝐄 𝐄𝐈𝐁𝐄 & 𝐅𝐋𝐎𝐖 𝐎𝐅𝐅 𝐖𝐈𝐒𝐃𝐎𝐌 𝐂𝐨𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 & 𝐅𝐋𝐎𝐖 𝐎𝐅 𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐌𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 There it is, taken in the light of autumn today, that delicious fruit,

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Awareness matures beauty

Every state of being a moment in a spiritualised world of the word is subject to closeness, asking for the understanding of the other. What would commonality be without the

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It is the taking, not the receiving

👉𝑾𝒆𝒓 𝒘ä𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝑫𝒖, 𝒘𝒆𝒏𝒏 𝑫𝒖 𝒘ü𝒔𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒔𝒕, 𝒘𝒆𝒓 𝑫𝒖 𝒃𝒊𝒔𝒕? 𝑶𝒅𝒆𝒓: 𝑫𝒂𝒔 𝑬𝒏𝒅𝒆 𝒅𝒆𝒔 𝑽𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒉𝒆𝒏𝒔 & 𝑾𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒏𝒔 👉 𝑬𝒊𝒏𝒆 𝑹𝒆𝒊𝒔𝒆, 𝒂𝒖𝒇 𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝑫𝒖 𝒏𝒊𝒄𝒉𝒕𝒔 𝒃𝒆𝒌𝒐𝒎𝒎𝒔𝒕 &

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Externally operated

The faith of the exchange is based on that world whose faith is the stronger. The clarity of those paths is found in the thoughts of others, determining the course of events,

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Sleeping while awake

The veil's magic drawn over the individual, hardly reveals its own secrets. If many tunnels deny the image of the view, the manoeuvrable bow for denying the

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The intimidated shyness

The being's faith carries a strength, wounded in the process of life. That glow, whose burning blazes for the sake of blazing, stands in the

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Rising in the downfall

The breadth of the wing's wingspan offers its breadth and strength, much believed by the few. Inferior to error, that faith often stems from the mind of man, whose

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Death of life weariness

When fear joins the dance of life, the free spirit pays tribute to his limited respect for himself. All courage turns into suspicion, which is astounding

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Brave new world breaks wisdom

That knowledge, to which every worker submits himself, is exchanged for the power of self-created progress. The round dance of the world shows itself in celebration,

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Escaping the deceptive lightness

The kindness of the soul of the world creates in many places a unifying structure in the material field, lifts the achieved creation of the sensuality offered for sale to the heights of glory on all sides.

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Controversy about unhappiness

The sparkling world is already offered in the nursery: not yet even able to see, dangling things are already hung over the human child's eye, without the gaze

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𝐖𝐈𝐄𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐄𝐇𝐄𝐍 𝐈𝐍 𝐄𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐑 𝐋𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐄𝐍 𝐖𝐄𝐋𝐓 - 𝐃𝐢𝐞 𝐄𝐧𝐝𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐤𝐞𝐢𝐭 𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐄𝐰𝐢𝐠𝐤𝐞𝐢𝐭 Reading excerpt "... It is up to man alone to develop himself, his spirit. No entity

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Connectedness in disconnection

The clarity of a path leads through all the impassable. The other's own distance is hidden from the other's possibility. All efforts towards the common lead to the vastness

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Show your colours

Working with hope is a fulfilling endeavour. Up to a certain point, the realisation of the much-vaunted solution. Until then, it's about pausing, enduring,

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Freedom from matrix envy

'Every exclusion is a path to yourself. While the others play in the meadow of illumination, the one left to himself carries the enlightenment visibly

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"Do something!"

"Do something!" I can't say I wouldn't have done anything. Never. I have touched thousands with my words. It's not up to me whether

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A game that escapes the mind

THOUGHTThe views are subject to the faithfulness of the dwelling time of brevity. Gone is that which is preserved, the holding of which implies in itself. The stream's waiting for all the next already in the

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Dying in further action

The mental powers go astray and lead to an early death. Whether slowly or quickly is up to fate. That age determines the self in the awareness of the

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Who would you be if you knew who you were?

Foreign stories don't help! Moreover, the abundance's weight is conjured up by the times' long abundance of spirit. The path of expression interwoven in itself, that gift is unrecognised on all sides, whose

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Decoupled in a rich world

What loss do we actually suffer in a world in which everything is available and everyone can be? Everyone is different from everyone else,

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I will not be talked down to!

𝐆𝐢𝐛𝐭 𝐞𝐬 𝐧𝐞 𝐌ö𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐤𝐞𝐢𝐭 (𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐥ä𝐬𝐬𝐭 𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐬𝐞 𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐧?), 𝐝𝐚𝐬𝐬 𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐧 𝐋𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐟ü𝐫 𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐬𝐞 𝐀𝐮𝐬𝐠𝐚𝐛𝐞 𝐳𝐮𝐦 𝐳.𝐁. 𝐒𝐞𝐥𝐛𝐬𝐭𝐤𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐧 𝐦𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐊𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐭𝐞 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐞/𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐢𝐥𝐞? 𝐅𝐋𝐎𝐖 𝐎𝐅

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Is standardisation making us poor?

I was frightened by every strange, identical thought, while my breath flowed easily. Gratitude was taken away from every lightness, understanding from every difference. The multiplication

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Der Stille Einhalt gebieten

Put a stop to the silence

Putting a stop to the silence That world, whose turmoil takes a normal everyday person on their very own journey, causes turmoil within and without.

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