Development & Editing: Kati Voß - AKADEMIE DER WEISHEIT

The three games at a glance:


  • Focus: The here and now, perceiving and reflecting on one's own reality.
  • Access: Coarse material, physical and direct level.
  • Target: Reflection, connection and self-awareness through philosophical questions.



  • Focus: Cleansing, healing and transformation.
  • Access: Practical approaches through Ayurveda and healing traditions.
  • Target: Integration of knowledge and healing processes into daily life.



  • Focus: Energetics, subtlety and connection with the higher self.
  • Access: Deeper reflections and exercises aimed at energetic balance.
  • Target: Exploration and harmonisation of the subtle levels.


The journey between the games:

  •  Coherence: Each part of the concept builds on the other without players needing to have played previous games to get started. Nevertheless, there is a logical connection for those who want to experience all three.
  • Increasing depth: The themes become more in-depth from game to game, allowing for gradual growth.
  • Vividness: Each game is represented visually and thematically on the respective level, e.g. with colours or symbols (earth tones for the GAME OF BEING, gentle healing colours for the GAME OF LIFE, bright chakra colours for the GAME OF CHAKRA).
Development & publication: Kati Voß Akademie der Weisheit


Game type: board game, knowledge game, language game, brain game, role-playing game, active game 

The players are encouraged to familiarise themselves with philosophical questions from Yoga & Ayurveda. Suggestions are given for self-reflection and for mutual exchange and critical questioning as an adaptation to the respective stage of life of the player. 

Development & publication: Kati Voß Akademie der Weisheit

Game type: board game, knowledge game, language game, brain game, role-playing game, active game

The players are encouraged to familiarise themselves with the background of Ayurveda and its healing approaches as well as the philosophy of this holistic teaching. Approaches for this were taken from the basic works and the new scientific findings adapted to the people of the European area of today.

Development & publication: Kati Voß Akademie der Weisheit

Game type: board game, knowledge game, language game, brain game, role-playing game, active game

The players are encouraged to familiarise themselves with the background to energetics and energy in and around people. Approaches for this were taken from the most diverse energetically holistic thinking and acting peoples and ethnic groups on earth. Suggestions are given for self-reflection and for mutual exchange and critical questioning as an adaptation to the respective stage of life of the player.
