Development & Editing: Kati Voß - AKADEMIE DER WEISHEIT


A philosophical game from Yoga & Ayuveda & A board game without winners & losers.

Game type: board game, knowledge game, language game, brain game, role-playing game, active game

The players are encouraged to familiarise themselves with philosophical questions from Yoga & Ayurveda. Suggestions are given for self-reflection and for mutual exchange and critical questioning as an adaptation to the respective stage of life of the player. There are neither winners nor losers, rather it is about playfully building a connected community. The ranking and progression of the game depends on mutually enriching disputes and thoughts of possible change, measured by the individual empowerment of each player in the community.

🙏 The ability to involve the individual in the playful process
🙏 The approach to philosophical wisdom and utilisation for the community
🙏 The merger and development of the community

How the game progresses depends on the diversity and activity of the players.

A completely new game experience in which you can perceive, observe, exchange, apply and change. The appeal lies in the self-efficacy and ability to establish connections despite differing views. "Who am I?" "What is important to me? "What mark will I leave on life?"

An overview of the philosophies of yoga & Ayurveda and how they can be applied in real life. It also teaches access to the topics of resilience and self-care in a playful way. The philosophies can be experienced in practice.

In addition to the joy and practice of teamwork in family or friendly situations, it can also be used for school, conflict and rhetoric training as well as in management training.

Two further games are currently being developed, which incorporate knowledge from yoga and energetics & chakras.

Product descriptions
How is it going?
Playing time: approx. 60 min.
Number of players: from 1 player or in groups
Age: 12-99
to be published before December 2025

Development & Editing: Kati Voß - AKADEMIE DER WEISHEIT


A philosophical game from Yoga & Ayuveda & A board game without winners & losers.

Game type: board game, knowledge game, language game, brain game, role-playing game, active game

The players are encouraged to familiarise themselves with philosophical questions from Yoga & Ayurveda. Suggestions are given for self-reflection and for mutual exchange and critical questioning as an adaptation to the respective stage of life of the player. There are neither winners nor losers, rather it is about playfully building a connected community. The ranking and progression of the game depends on mutually enriching disputes and thoughts of possible change, measured by the individual empowerment of each player in the community.

🙏 The ability to involve the individual in the playful process
🙏 The approach to philosophical wisdom and utilisation for the community
🙏 The union and development of the community

The course of the game is determined by the diversity and activity of the players.

A completely new game experience in which you can perceive, observe, exchange, apply and change. The appeal lies in the self-efficacy and ability to create connections despite differing views. "Who am I?" "What is important to me?" "What mark do I leave on life?"

An overview of the philosophies of Yoga & Ayurveda and how they can be applied in real life. It also teaches access to the topics of resilience and self-care in a playful way. The philosophies can be experienced in practice.

As well as being fun and a great way to practise teamwork in family or friendly situations, it can also be used in schools, conflict and rhetoric training and management training.

Two further games are currently being developed which incorporate knowledge from yoga and energetics & chakras.

Product descriptions
How does it work?
Playing time: approx. 60 min.
Number of players: from 1 player or in groups
Age: 12-99
to be released in October 2024
