To leave a (further) contribution, I have created this magazine. This world of ours is developing just as rapidly as it is stagnating. I meet many powerful personalities who have found their way, but also people who are at their limit, need some time out and like to take a break from what surrounds them.
I am happy if I can offer a little added value for many of you, the topics are colourful and my creative mind still has a lot of exciting things in store for this world.
So I wish you joy & silence while reading.
FlowofWisdom Greetings, Kati
Every last Saturday of every two months from February 2024, a new issue will be published for a fee with the following structure:
The subscription system is connected to Elopage.
ATTENTION: Booklet I is available free of charge, from Issue II subject to a charge.
Ahe magazine appears at very irregular intervals due to the author's time constraints. Publication day is always a Saturday.
I am pleased Thank you for your interest. Yours, Kati Voß
Donations to support this project are very welcome. You are also welcome to give a single issue as a gift.
I am also pleased about the commitment to ensuring that this eMagazine reaches as many people as possible.