The self's free-willing end/t-masking - An invitation

~ whose play rises from the masses of good judgement
~ whose vision is a vastness
~ whose door often remains closed due to the impenetrability of everything
~ Whose mind of sensations reaction is fierce on all sides
~ whose abstinence is the only bearable one
~ whose tolerability is close to the confusion
~ whose image of truth seeks answers to questions
~ whose mask falls unconditionally
~ whose connectedness only leads to the showing of everything
~ whose capacity for transcendence lies beyond linear perception
~ whose receptivity is nameless
~ whose NOTHING is valuable as their EVERYTHING is worthless

are called to come together for a one-time or regular exchange - honest - unconditional - relentless - aimless

I offer the space for those who are tired of the madness and want to show themselves in a chosen group, preferably live (online is possible).

I have no answers, they can be found in your open questions.
IF YOU FEEL ADDRESSED, PLEASE GET IN TOUCH. Retreat of Truth - The Self's Free-Willing End/t-Masking

There is NOTHING to do but be.
© Kati Voß / AKADEMIE DER WEISHEIT / Coaching & Mentoring / Retreat of Truth - The Self's Free-Willing End/t-Masking
✒ BIOGRAPHY OF LIFE - Leaving a trace (to be published in March 2024)
ॐ GAME OF BEING - Board game development (to be published before August 2024)
